
Locally Raised Rabbit Meat for Sale

Locally Raised Rabbit Meat for Sale!

We started raising meat rabbits in the summer of 2022. The delicious taste of their high protein, high iron meat greatly impressed us. Because we loved it so much we began offering our locally raised rabbit meat for sale in Miami County and surrounding areas.

Rabbit meat is a high protein, low fat that is an excellent source of iron, selenium, and vitamin B12.

Raised in “rabbit tractors” our rabbits enjoy fresh grass from spring through fall. In the winter, we pile lots of hay into the nest end of the tractor for them to burrow in and eat.

Our rabbits are mixed breeds that dress out to 2.5 to 3.5 pounds at 12 weeks. While we occasionally offer pets, our focus is a delicious, highly nutritious meal.

We process our rabbits right here on the farm. Once rested for 48 hours in the cooler, we package and freeze them. Ready for you to pick up!

To purchase our locally-raised rabbit meat you’ll need to contact us via the form below and set a date/time for pickup. You’ll also pay at pickup, with cash being the preferred method of payment.

Contact us to Order your Rabbit Meat

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Keep Scrolling to meet our Mama Buns

Looking for ways to enjoy your Locally Raised Rabbit Meat?

This is a brand-new site so no recipes yet, but I intend to add some.

But start by cooking your rabbit the way you would a chicken, making sure the meat reaches an internal temp of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Pick the meat off of the bone and then use it in place of chicken in your favorite chicken pot pie recipe!