Honey Bees

Our beehives sitting in the orchard.

We started with our bees in June of 2021.

After years of talking about having bees and discussing how beneficial they would be for the garden and our orchard, we bit the bullet so to say, and got ourselves some bees! Now we have our own local honey to enjoy.

We started with 2 nucleus colonies, made lots of mistakes, and ended up having no queens at all in the summer of 2022. We requeened the hives and made a few more mistakes but also did something right as our 2023 harvest included nearly 175 pounds of delicious, golden, raw honey!

There’s so much to learn about bees and we are continually learning. In the spring of 2023, we made our first successful split and sold it. Plans for 2024 include creating 1 or 2 more splits to increase the size of our apiary.

Local honey in Miami County Ohio

When available, we offer the following sizes and prices.

  • Pint jars (20oz) $12 each.
  • Quart jars (45oz) $22 each.
  • 1 Gallon (bring jars to fill) $75.
  • Small jar of comb honey $10 each.
  • Beeswax $10 a pound.

Honey products are porch pickup only as we do not ship them. Use the following form to contact us and request local honey from Stamy Acres for pickup.

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If you prefer communication via text you may bypass this form and text me directly at 937-216-4304 Or enter your number above and I'll reach out via text as soon as possible.

If you’re hoping to get into beekeeping and want to learn more, feel free to reach out! While 3 yrs. of beekeeping isn’t a lot, I’m happy to share what I’ve learned so far. Having our own local honey available to our family is such an enormous blessing!

Assuming that all goes well in the spring I’ll also have one or two nuc colonies available for sale. When you’re going into beekeeping, you’ll want to obtain local bees so you have assurance that they are adapted to the weather in your area.